Saturday, June 27, 2009

motley crue

you heard me.
i am not in a state to be blogging at the current moment but it needs to be said for our followers (the matts).

the rest of apt212 gets credit from me when they sign up to follow and we start conspiring for BL(ogr)eunion!

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Molly Dull,
    I have been following for quite some time and just now get credit...ouch seeing as it was me who once again reunited you to Matt Smola and he is all the rage on your blog wtf....I am hurt severely...I am crying...and I don't even get credit for the initial idea of a BL(ogr)eunion but from the flow of your blog it seems that Matt Smola would have been praised high and low for such a thing...I am crying right now..though currently as we are writing this we are both in Chicago though I must leave soon
