Thursday, January 14, 2010

Eclectic Substance.

Heading back to Chi tomorrow with 2 passengers + doe-cat. Don't know if we'll all fit with luggage...fingers crossed. I'll bring my keys this time, I SWEAR! (Didn't hear about the NYE key fiasco? The whole holiday celebration was quite the saga...)

I spent the majority of today doing 2 things: looking up information about dreadlocks & making new things out of old tee shirts (reusable bag #3, check! brand new tie-dye bikini, check!). All in all, a pretty unproductive but really awesome last day.

I have very mixed feelings about heading back to the city tomorrow. I just don't have a desire to be there, now that I'm thinking of all the awesome places I want to go post-grad, and I hate feeling like I'm not really "present" wherever I am, especially because I always randomly dole out advice about being present to the moment to one of DGCW's lovely followers (holla, C-ROD!). But I know I have great things coming this semester-- a new roomie (ED!!!!!!), a ridiculously light workload, more time in the FYE office, more fun side projects, lots of loyolacafun, my EVOKEes, and my still-favorite thing ever: penpal mania. Last semester set the bar pretty high in terms of my happiness, balance, support network, and room for creative expression in all areas; I only hope I can keep such positive energy flowing.

I guess I'm done, because nothing really feels like it needs to be broadcasted on the interwebs. Let me at least end with something good, since this post was very weak compared to past performances...My close friend Emily used these words to describe writing a cover letter for a position dealing with outdoor education at Loyola, and I sincerely hope that everyone feels this way about what pursuits they fall into throughout their lives: "This should not be this difficult to write, but how do you write about something that is so much a part of you that it almost makes you cry, but laugh & your body tingle at the same time?"

Happy MLK weekend, my loves!


  1. I am feeling somewhat the same with the "not being present" because you're so amped on where you're going post-grad, which fyi - keep a sista updated.

    i expect a holla in the next post, m-dizzle.

    Monday & Tuesday loooove!
