Wednesday, January 20, 2010

"Long Day" by Matchbox 20

it would be cool to keep titling drinks starbucks drinks that you can order (which i tried to do for like, my first 5 posts) but it turns out that that is not original, but actually lame seeing how i got yelled at by the district manager today. i knew by making his drink i was balancing on a thin line because it could really only go one of two ways:

a) he was very impressed with the quality service he received by a clean, welcoming barista and his drink was really good -or-

b) he would realize i hadn't showered in 3 days, i had worked 7 hours at this point, and he realized i wasn't going to kiss his ass like everyone else there but rather, hand him a warm-and-well-balanced drink.

it went a lot of option "B," but also i was corrected because i wasted milk when i steamed his drink. he told me i was "responsible for wasting about 8 gallons of milk a week by the way i was working, and 8 x $2.50 every 7 days really adds up." i don't think this man realized that i am very environmentally conscious and i am saving milk for reasons other than THE MAN. and when you charge $4 for the drink you're consuming, luckily the mark up is enough you're still making a significant profit.

on another note, SHAWN BLOGGED. this is obvious because i am posting right above him, but his blog really provided the hope (i'm going to go out on a limb here and include you, Molly) we needed to carry on the dontgochasin' site. not that there is really any hope we need---IS THERE ANYONE THERE? i'm blogging to cyberspace about the man, and this website is run by the man. AAHHHHHH!

things to listen to:
you really got a hold on me -She & Him
a lack of color -Death cab
just a boy -Angus and Julia Stone

things to read:
'I'm not afraid to compete. It's just the opposite. Don't you see that? I'm afraid I will compete--that's what scares me... I'm sick of not having the courage to be an absolute nobody. I'm sick of myself and everybody else that wants to make some kind of a splash.' She paused, and suddenly picked up her glass of milk and brought it to her lips.
-Franny & Zooey

1 comment:

  1. yayyy lost!! can't wait for the new (and last) season!!! craziness!
